Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nerdy Thirty

a Friend of ours turned 30 and to celebrate had a nerdy thirty party, so..................... He is the love of my life. I am sooooooo LUCKY!

Do i not look HOT, double chin and all. This shirt is a Julie's original. It is just a little hot glue and a lot of love. Tutorial later.
These are Matt's Real Glasses that the kids broke a couple years ago. Safety pins are the greatest invention

Winner of Best Dressed : Yours Truly ( i wish I had the whole product to show)


Carrie said...

I didn't notice the double chin in the picture, but I must say... Those are some BIG bosoms. :p
It must just be the angle of the camera. lol
You two are the cutes couple!

ChristyLou said...

That is hilarious! You guys are so fun. BTW-I noticed the bosoms too, lol. I love it!

robertsfamily2002 said...

cute! How can you be so cool? I love the projects. Happy After Holidays! Love to see your blog!