Makayla June Mizukawa
She was definitely cheering for BYU when they dominated OU. Go Cougs!!!
Here she is....Makayla June Mizukawa. She has already found her thumb. Bummer.
Here she is again, right after she was born.
Proud father, with some sweet bedhead.
The whole fam. Jake and Ash have been completely enamored by their new sister. Hopefully no headlocks, suplexes, or nuggies for at least a few years.
Just a few moments after she was born. Julie did great, and I'm so proud of her for her endurance.
Proud mother, literally seconds after giving birth. Doesn't she look great!!!
This is the Julie pre-game show, getting ready for the main event. It all started on Thursday. The contractions were irregular, but seemed to be about 12-15 minutes apart. We went to bed and tried to rest, with a hunch that Friday may be the day. Julie woke up at about 1:00 am Friday with stronger contractions that were about 4 minutes apart. She got her stuff together, got in the shower, and then woke me up at about 2:30 am. We debated whether or not to go in to the hospital. The contractions were regular at 3 minute intervals by this point, so we went in.
We got to Labor and Delivery by 3:00 am. The OB on call checked her and said she was dilated to 4 cm. So, we stayed. Anesthesia came by to say hi and see if Julie was planning on an epidural. Lo and behold, the anesthesia residents were Paul Reynolds and Steve Badger, both good friends of ours. So, Julie didn't want an epidural right then. They weren't getting off until 7 am either. We went on a walk around the hospital and came back for another check at about 5:30 am. By this time, the contractions were getting pretty strong with short intervals. She was up to 8 cm. So we were getting close. Julie again debated an epidural and decided to go without. For the next hour, Julie was in the doing lunges and stretches....anything to help her cope with the contractions. She got into a hot shower, which seemed to help alot too. At about 7:30 am, Julie felt like it was time to push. The midwife checked her and she was at 9.5 cm. So she broke her water and the fun began. Julie was pushing for about half an hour when our little bundle of joy was born at 8:07 am on 9/4/09. She was 6 pounds 12 ounces, 21 inches tall....and 100% cute. Julie did great. I was so proud of her. I think Julie is so glad she didn't get an epidural, so I guess it was a blessing that Paul and Steve were on call. Otherwise, Julie probably would have gotten the epidural.
Julie and the baby came home on Saturday. It's been great having my mom here. She has really helped out a ton. I don't know what we would've done without her. Thanks, mom. We'll post more photos as they come.
Congratulations!!! I've been checking back regularly to see if she had arrived yet. Way to go Julie!!!! (I think no epidural is the way to go...lots better recovery in my opinion). And what a cute little girl, with great taste, already. As for the thumb, Ethan came out sucking his thumb, slept through the night at 2 weeks and never looked back. He even stopped sucking his thumb on his own at 18 months, so you never could be a good thing. Congrats again!!!
Yay! Congrats! She's beautiful. So glad to hear that everything went so well.
Congrats!!!She is just so beautiful...Babies are just so amazing. Such a cute family, sure miss you guys....
OOOHHHHHH!!!!! I LOVE her! Her name is so pretty. What happened to Olivia, though? Jules, your minutes after picture is BEAUTIFUL. I'm not even kidding! You look fantastic! I agree with Sallyaneva, my recovery time was always great, but then again I don't have anything else to compare to. We love you all, and are sad we have to wait to meet our newest family member. Keep the pictures coming! We're waiting! Love, love, love, love to you all.
Juile and Mckayla... Ya We are so glad that she is hear and looks so great. Make sure you are getting enough rest. And be thankful for the built in passy. I would have given anything if emma could have found anything beside mommy.
love you
hey just one more thought... oh it's gone. Love the family to!!
Congrats on your new beautiful baby girl! That is great news! I'm glad your family is doing great.
Adorable! You and your new family look great! I hope sleeping is going well.
Congrats Julie & Matt! I'm so happy that she came and didn't decide stay FOREVER (which we were all worried about ;). Anyway, she's beautiful and you really look beautiful too! Good job going natural, what an accomplishment!
I'm so happy for you that you got to have your natural birth and that you liked it!! Very good news. You are a stud and you looked so beautiful after just having had a baby! Congratulations and I can't wait to meet little Makayla. Call me if I can do anything for you.
Congrats! Julie you look great and that's awesome you went without an epidural. Love you guys!
Julie congrats! I've been checking and checking your blog for news! It sounds like you had a great experience- and you look beautiful!! Can't say my after-giving-birth pics look that great! Makayla is beautiful, way to go guys!!
Yea congrats!!! I'm sorry we've been playing phone tag!!! I'll try ya again tonight. I think she looks like Jake :) I love the name!
Ps-Brooklynn says she miss you Julie, Matt, Jacob & Ashley :)
Julie, I am sooo proud of you! You are one tough mama!!! I love the picture of all of you together.
Congratulations Julie. So happy she made it safe and sound. She is beautiful, just like the other two.
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